Ngawi Trinil Museum
Trinil Museum is located about
12 kilometers in the west of Ngawi is in same direction of Soerjo
monument. It constitutes the complex of myth of ancient man fossil
(prehistoric men fossil) (Pitecanthropus erectus) and also fossils of
other ancient life, which has been raised to the world of science by an
archeologist named Eugene Dubois since 1891.
In this complex of myths there are many kinds of facilities such as:
the place to keep the fossils any its exposition, fossil laboratory, and
others where all of them lie at the side of Solo river. After observing
the museum collection and their scientific identifications, then the
visitor can enjoy the direction of the side of Solo river from the
altitude, we can imagine the fragment of lives of the prehistoric people
in the shade of the tropical forest at the side of Solo river, as
though we have become apart of them.