
Yogyakarta, Great Mosque of Kauman

Masjid gede Kauman (Great Mosque of Kauman) is a historical mosque located west of Keraton North Square built as the main structure for the dissemination of Islamic teachings in the era of Kasultanan Yogyakarta. The cultural structure was built on Mei 29 1773 by an architect named Kyai Wiryokusumo, during the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.
The mosque is an integrated part of the Kasultanan Yogyakarta, as the center for Islamic teachings in Yogyakarta, during that period. The existence of the Mosque is an omen that the Sultan besides being the leader of the government (Senopati Ing Ngalogo) and war, is also the delegation of Allah (Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah) in religious acts. Until now, Kasultanan Yogyakarta still maintains its status as an Islamic influence to local residents.

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